Special Food and Allergy Diets

Hidden Valley can support almost all allergy-related diets at camp.
We encourage you to call or email us to discuss your particular situation.

food allergies

Serving Families for Many Years

About 5 to 10 percent of our campers each year are on some sort of special diet. Lactose intolerance, wheat and nut allergies are the most common. In response, our directors, along with our kitchen crew, get up to speed by researching latest information on food allergies, talking to families of campers, seeking out formal training, creating separate preparation, and serving areas for specific foods.

We don't believe that kids on special diets should feel singled out in any negative way. As former Director Peter Kassen says, "A lot of what goes on here is a reflection of the philosophy of the camp, which sees everyone as an individual. If you follow that in all of your operations, it's pretty easy to do in the dining hall, too."


Pointers for Parents

We encourages parents to educate their kids. Find out from us what's on the menu and then walk through it, teaching your child how to make concrete decisions about what to eat. Ask 'If you saw this, this and this, what kinds of choices would you make?

We also recommend that parents speak with us before camp begins about children's specific needs. Encourage them to talk to cooks and counselors about their diet in case questions arise about whether they can eat a specific food.

The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network recommends that campers know what foods are safe and unsafe for them to eat; have strategies in mind for avoiding unsafe foods; recognize symptoms of allergic reactions; know how and when to tell an adult about a possible reaction; know how to read food labels, including on items that might be available in the camp commissary and how to self-administer epinephrine or other necessary medications.

As with anything else, families need to prepare a child to establish an independent identity, and we're here to provide that support.


The food was delicious, and the kitchen staff were very accommodating of my food allergies. Lillian always made sure there was something safe for me to eat.
- HVC Camper

It's clear from her happy account of her summer (and rave reviews of the vegan chocolate chip cookies, cheeseless pizza and other delights) that the staff did an extraordinary job of making her feel safe and comfortable and extremely well fed. We know how much sensitivity and dedication that takes and are truly impressed. It meant so much to her and us that she could go away to camp.
- HVC Parent

food allergy

Support for Allergy Diets

Everyone contributes to helping HVC children adjust successfully to camp; this is especially true when a family lets us know about allergy challenges.

Here is a little bit about what we do to support special food and allergy diets at HVC:


  • Meg & Peter work with children and parents individually.
  • We contact food manufacturers, who provide printed material on food ingredients.
  • Often, parents supplement the child's diet with favorite foods from home - cookies, breads and snacks - so their child feels safe and comfortable.


  • Dining hall directors have been here for 25+ years, ensuring expertise and continuity.
  • All allergen prep areas are isolated from preparation areas of other foods. Equipment and counter tops for special diets are allergy free.
  • We chart foods prepared for each meal. Children discuss choices with dining hall staff daily.


  • The dining hall staff develops 1-on-1 relationships with allergic children, all in a friendly and professional environment.
  • Food choices are labeled.
  • Lots of choice! Many alternative foods prepared at each meal with individual diets in mind.
  • HVC is "peanut butter free." We all enjoy sun butter instead.


  • Counselors supervise choices.
  • Epi-pens are readily available. All staff trained pre-camp; many children wear an epi-pen, carrying it in a hip pack.
  • Education of all campers and staff so that members of the cabin group is aware of their responsibilities.

Please contact us to discuss your child's needs.

culinary arts