Summer Camp Counselors at Hidden Valley

We seek warm, bright, energetic, child-centered individuals for our staff of over 100 summer camp counselors and support staff. In anticipation of an important professional relationship, we interview each candidate, looking for significant personal resources and accomplishments, talents in camp areas, self-awareness, solid judgment, and a capacity to participate productively in a child-centered environment. References and background checks are a required part of this process.

Three counselors

Our 2-week staff training addresses relationship building, group life, conflict resolution and more. Counselors then develop teaching programs and a rich understanding of their cabin groups in anticipation of camper arrival.

Peter and Meg provide ongoing staff supervision and guidance. All counselors are trained in risk management and Hidden Valley’s staff also includes five Registered Nurses.

walking down the road

Learn more about Staff Life

Find answers to frequently asked questions
Check out our current job opportunities
Apply to be part of our summer staff!

International Camp Counselors

Approximately 15% of our staff hails from countries such as Holland, Britain, and New Zealand; the rest join us from throughout the U.S. Some former campers return to support the next generation of campers. Many others are students, working artists and outdoors-people who find that Hidden Valley's progressive values and philosophy match their own. Find out more about International Staff life here.

staff with kidstir dye cabin


jobs link
You can complete the full application below -OR- send us your resume and tell us "Why I want to work at HVC."
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Life-changing Job Opportunities

Visit our video collection to see more HVC people and programs.

What HVC Counselors Say

I loved working in such a caring, educational, lively environment for both staff and campers.
- HVC Counselor

This summer has been fun and deliciously paradoxical. I've been brought back to my own childhood and yet this summer's experiences make me feel older, wiser... better equipped for life.
- HVC Counselor

I will be forever grateful for all that the individual and collective HVC staff have done for the development of our kids. HVC has been a priceless gift that they will carry with them the rest of their lives.
-HVC Parent

Your compassion and patience with your employees and campers is something I remember every day when I'm teaching.
- HVC Instructor

Thank you for being so supportive, sensitive and caring to the staff as well as the campers... I have personally grown this summer and this would never have happened were it not for the two of you... Peter - I shake my head in amazement watching you jump from meeting to meeting and still take the time to really be there for everyone on a personal level... Meg - thanks for being the universal "Mom" for campers and staff...with such compassion, fairness and true wisdom. 
- Letter from a Counselor to Meg and Peter

...And Parents

Our daughter chose Hidden Valley from the several camps she saw in videos. But videos cannot guarantee that there will be a caring person who takes time to notice that a child who is generally sunny may need some attention from time to time... I cannot tell you how comforting it was for us to know that you were there for her when she most needed a friend... Counselors like yourself make all the difference in a child's life and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- Letter from a Parent to a Summer Camp Counselor