
Choose from these options for travel to and from HVC: Bus, Car and Plane. (We're working on a magic Hidden Valley Express Train!) Please read below for in-depth details on these choices. As always, call or write us with any questions.

Luggage generally accompanies campers on buses, cars, plane trips. UPS is also an option. For details on shipping, read more on our packing list page.

Arrival at HVC: Upon arrival, campers are introduced to their cabin counselors who help them unpack (counselors move luggage) and settle in to cabins. Group activities, a warm dinner, counselor show, and good-nights round out the day's activities, with camp tours and other introductory activities the following day. See car arrival details below.

.Two Week "Intro" Families: Your options are limited. See below right.

campers arriving

Driving To and From Camp

Directions are noted here. We will assign arrival times between 8 AM and 2:30 PM. (10:30-12 noon on 7/5 and 8/2.) Medical intake will occur immediately after arrival and then staff will help campers settle into the cabin.

Arrival day good-byes may be challenging for all, so we suggest that you have a tour of camp with your child and his/her counselor, meet the llamas, then allow campers to spend their time getting acquainted and playing games with cabin-mates and staff while we await the arrival of camp buses. Note: Parents may not enter camper cabins.

Car pickup at the end of the session is Thursday morning between 7:30 and 10:30 AM. Again, time slots will be assigned. Please arrive on time as children are waiting to join you and hopeful about their next adventure.

Read more about driving to/from camp, get directions, etc. here.

family drop off

Plane Travel To and From Camp

Planning basics: It's essential that you note "windows" during which we are able to pick up children in Portland or Boston. Please call or email Peter to discuss your plans and then send us a detailed itinerary so that we have full information for children's flights both to and from camp.

Read more about plane travel here. Learn about our pickup and drop-off "windows" and be informed about airline and HVC policies regarding unaccompanied minors and overweight luggage.

HVC counselors meet arriving children at airport gates and escort them to gates on departure day.

Bus Travel To and From Camp

Most campers normally travel to HVC via these chaperoned air-conditioned touring buses.

Bus basics: Each bus has chaperones (1-2 camp staff members) who get to know each camper individually and orient the entire bus group to their day of travel. They chat with campers, answer questions and introduce children to cabin-mates... Please pack a bag-lunch, we'll provide drinks. We'll show a DVD on the bus... Luggage goes on buses with campers... Look for a reminder a few days prior to your camper's departure and/or arrival.

Bus locations and fares (one-way):
Newton, MA - $100.00
New Haven, CT - $140.00
Portchester, NY - $180.00
For logistical reasons, we no longer have a "NYC Bus." Please use Portchester, flights or drive.

Read more about bus travel, get directions to pick-up points, etc. here.

bus arrival

AWAC Travel To & From Camp

To HVC: AWAC's arrive on the Friday before the session commences... Plane: Arrive in Portland 9:30 to 1130 AM... Car: Arrive HVC 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM... NO BUS TO CAMP.
From HVC: Travel options are identical to those of all other campers.

Travel Details

by plane

by bus

By car

As you make travel plans, you will be asked to provide specifics via your Online Camp Account. You'll complete a Transportation Form, which allows you to provide any details. Please do this by March 1st.

It’s a poignant and proud milepost as a parent to see your child so comfortable and so happy in a world you haven’t created, a world he is now introducing to you; learning that he can find his way and bloom in a different, albeit very special place. We are so grateful to you and the camp community you nurture.
- HVC Parent


2-Week "Intro" Camper Travel


For the trip to Maine for the 2-week session that matches the beginning of HV's four week session, 6/23 & 7/21, 2024...

For the trip from Maine at the very end of either 4-week session, 7/18 & 8/15, 2024...

...Your travel options are all noted to the left and at the travel detail links above.


Please drop off your child between 10:30 and 12:00 on Friday, 7/5 or 8/2, 2024. This will allow time to get settled and have a tour.

"Car" is your only option: There are NO buses arriving at HVC midsession. We CANNOT pick up arriving 2-weekers at the airport mid -session.


Car info... Please arrive at camp between 8:30 and 10 AM on Friday 7/5 or 8/2, 2024.

"Car" is your only option: There are NO buses departing HVC midsession. We CANNOT DROP OFF campers at the airport mid -session.

bus campers