"Kids Who Think Outside the Box"
Hidden Valley is one of two summer camps featured in the "Exceptional Programs, Ventures, Voyages For Your Child" chapter of a new book entitled "Kids Who Think Outside The Box."
See what is said about HVC below...
Written by Stephanie Lerner and published by the American Management Association, the book is devoted to the narratives of more than 30 eminent achievers who share their perspectives and stories about becoming their personal best.
The author recommends 50 outstanding programs across the United States for unique, exceptional children. The descriptions in this section, according to Lerner, capture a child's qualities and translate them into programs compatible to a child's personality traits.
A full page in the book is devoted to Hidden Valley Camp. The author writes: "Not your average camp. A camp that is non-competitive and enmeshed strongly in the arts...They do it well. It's choice driven for the kid who is independent and works well in a less-structured environment. Hidden Valley Camp welcomes students from across the country and around the world for arts and crafts, horseback riding, music, sports, swimming — you name it."
"There are also day trips and special performance arts events in which kids can participate and much more. It's an international and creative performing arts camp. The camp stands out for self-esteem building within children. A camp newspaper, sign language and organic farming are elements that make this experience exceptional."
In her conclusion about Hidden Valley Camp, Lerner says the directors "mean business" in their goal to provide children with:
"a complete, different, and personality enhancing experience. A summer at Hidden Valley might just give your child the confidence to learn what they are good at, and who they are through their unique program, staff and other unique kids."