HVC Counselor Job Description
This outline may seem a bit "dry," but have no fear... Our 12 days of Staff Orientation will serve to fill out and bring to life what you see here.
A. Individual Needs
1. Safety
a. Carry out established procedures for accident prevention
b. Respond to accidents as discussed during first aid training
2. Health
a. Carry out procedures to create a sanitary cabin environment
b. Assess camper health on a daily basis
c. Respond to camper reports of ill health or other complaints as discussed during staff training
3. Personal Adjustment
a. Learn about camper likes, dislikes, camp history. personality, etc...
... during pre-camp discussions with directors
... during first few days of camper attendance
b. Provide opportunities to discuss individual concerns, successes, etc.
c. Help camper meet goals established by the camp for camper development...
... formation of positive peer relationships
... development of independence
... exposure to new people, ideas, and activities
... sense of wonder and ability to have fun
... appreciation of the natural world
... others as discussed with camp directors or camper's parent(s)
d. Discuss camper progress with directors during camp session
B. Group Needs
1. Develop and Maintain Warm, Supportive Cabin Atmosphere
a. initially through "getting to know you" games to be discussed during staff training
b. throughout the session at various special cabin activities, mealtimes, rest period, bedtime, etc
c. ongoing development of campers' cooperative and community skills
2. Supervise Campers' Daily Living Responsibilities
a. Wake-up and dressing
b. Showering, tooth-brushing, hair care, etc.
c. Keeping cabin and campers' individual areas clean and neat
d. Mealtime supervision, diet, etc.
e. Rest Period
f. Evening programs and other all-camp programs as discussed during periodic meetings with Program Directors
g. Bedtime
h. Mail
i. Laundry
3. Apply appropriate "disciplinary" procedures — to be discussed during staff training — in cases of disruptive campers, camper disputes, etc
4. Accompany group on occasional out-of-camp trips
5. Discuss cabin group's progress periodically with Directors
II. INSTRUCT CLASSES (note that all areas have 2-10 instructors each summer)
A. Plan for Teaching During Staff Training Week
1. Buildings, Equipment, Outdoor Areas required for your program area
a. Discuss required purchasing with Directors
2. Develop Lesson Plans
a. Program goals...
... skill development
... opportunities for individual creativity and success
... opportunities for group interaction, development of cooperative skills, etc
b. Taking into account...
... variation in skill levels
... boy/girl mix
... 8 to 13 year old age range
c. Judicious use of materials, facilities, natural resources, etc.
d. Safety rules and procedures
e. Rainy day plan (as needed)
B. Teach Four Daily Classes
C. Discuss Area Needs or Creative Ideas with Directors
D. Monitor the Following
1. Materials and Equipment
2. Facilities and Grounds
E. Plan for All-camp Activities Involving Your Program
A. Assess to determine readiness for campers
B. Discuss necessary repairs with Directors
2. Program Materials
a. Assess to determine readiness for campers
C. Programming
1. Actively plan (at daily "shift meetings") and execute evening programs
2. Plan, participate in special days at camp (end-of-camp Fair Day, for example)
D. Paperwork (in cases of accidents, for example)
E. Support Functions — assist office staff answering phones, for example. (Only for those who feel comfortable doing so)
F. Staff Meetings
1. Planning evening programs, about 3 per week
2. Daily meeting with cabin co-counselors
3. One-on-one or in cabin co-counseling group, meet with directors to discuss session, occasional
4. Meet in program areas, as needed
A. Most staff will be expected to be in attendance for the full camp season.
B. Staff may be required to remain on their feet for extended periods of time and walk independently from place to place.
C. Some staff positions may require the ability to lift up to 35 pounds (16 kilos.)
D. Ability to converse in English will be essential.
Seen at HVC