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Monday, July 11th, 2016
Find the glove in the goop with your toes...unless you dare to disobey the Queen!

Find the glove in the goop with your toes…unless you dare to disobey the Queen!

HI HI HI HI HI! Humming Bird here with LOTS of updates regarding the last 24 hours here at camp! First of all– and perhaps most importantly– LAST NIGHT WAS THE WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE!!! What on earth is that, Humming Bird? Shhhh, I’ll tell you! The Wheel is an evening program that’s kinda part performance, part competition for the campers. This year’s theme was a Medieval-y plague-ridden battle between different Houses– all competing for the throne. There were bloody fights, betrayal, murder, out-witting, and a head even got lit on fire!

Before the show even started, we had a ton of incredible outside acts. As our campers milled about around the rec hall (which our Guards were protecting with their lives) some of our counselors and older campers acted as plagued townspeople, bread sellers, and guillotine-victims! People threw water balloons, and everyone was whisked back into the Medieval days of yore!

In between the scenes of the show (during which members of the Houses attempted to outwit and outfight each other to steal the crown) campers volunteered to come up and play some pretty crazy games to help out the cast. We had Gruesome pick out our victims– er– contestants. (Gruesome is a creature who lives in the sewers of camp and only comes out to help with the Wheel) Campers had to bob for secret messages hidden in jello, there was mummy wrapping, they had to find gloves in a bowl of condiments, and (my personal favorite) they made cannonballs of cat food! And of course throughout it all, any camper who said any of Peter’s “magic words” were punished with a pie to the face! It was disgusting and wonderful!!

A side note: for those campers who don’t enjoy the Wheel, there was a “safe space” free of the screams and mess that always accompany the show. Those campers hung out around a cozy fire in the barn with Meg. It was quiet, and there was no gore!

You may be wondering what the “point” of this whole Wheel thing is… well, so are we! Just kidding 🙂 One beautiful thing that comes out of our favorite twisted event is that each cabin wins a prize from our counselors! Not all of the Wheel Prizes have been distributed yet, but rest assured that once they do, I will inform you what each cabin will be doing to– er– with our brave and committed staff (I’m personally hoping to witness some buckets of water dumped on some counselors’ heads in the coming Meetings….) Stay tuned for those pictures to come!

Today, in the aftermath of the Wheel of Misfortune, we have a TRIP DAY! Not a Trip Lazy Day, because there was nothing lazy about it! The whole camp piled onto our five buses– Bus One, Bus Two, Bus Three, Bus Four and Bob– and took a trip into Belfast to see The Secret Life of Pets! We laughed, we cried, we barked and we meowed! I particularly identified with the birds of the movie, but that’s just me!

Tonight we’ll bask in the talents of our campers as we enjoy VALLEY FEST! Stay tuned for photos and vivid descriptions of our wonderful, beautiful, talented acts! In the meantime, I’m going to try and contact the birds of The Secret Life of Pets!

Humming Along,

Humming Bird

© 2024 It's the...*wait for it*...WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE! Read if you dare... - Hidden Valley Camp. All rights reserved.
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