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Saturday, July 22nd, 2017

Georgia presenting our NY bus luggage!

What’s good, everybody?!

It’s Luna Bug here, writing to you all at the end of a smooth and easy second session arrival day! The beautiful blue sky shone on us all day, and a light breeze picked up towards the middle of the day as if pushing us off into the evening and the rest of the session.

After an afternoon full of chess and checkers, apples to apples and tetherball, guitar strumming, and magic playing, we all gathered in the Front Yard at about 6:15pm to greet the buses in from New York with the last of the campers for the session. After that, everyone went to the Backyard in our newly fully formed cabin groups for a quick evening meeting. The Program Directors, or PDs, put on a fantastic little skit to introduce us to them which involved the teen program Alive, and then after that it was quickly off to dinner for fried chicken and carrot cake!

Our evening program tonight was Opening Night Skits, which was M.C.ed by Luke, Cate, and Rob P. Rob played a goofy and perhaps misguided genius scientist and Cate played his zombie-actress creation. The two of them were guests on Luke’s “talk show.” This was all just a funny way to introduce all the different classes we can take at camp! In between each of our M.C.’s acts the counselors would get up on stage and introduce themselves and what classes they were teaching.

Speaking of classes, tomorrow is Orientation Day, and during the day one of the many things we do is choose classes! Besides that the whole camp will take swim evaluations either at the pool or lake, go to the Health Lodge (ouch!) for a quick Ookoo check, and chat with the nurses, and have our photos taken to be sent to folks at home. For the rest of the day each cabin will take a camp tour, and do a fun activity to help the cabin get to know each other.

After this full day of learning names and unpacking bags, it’s time for me to hit the hay, as Jet and Seven would say. Wait, do mini-ponies hit the hay? Or do they just eat hay? I’ll check with them and get back to you all on that, later.

I’ll be buzzing back to my cabin for some Zzzs now!

Luna Bug

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