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Thursday, August 9th, 2018

Peter and Meg in their new 30 year vests with long time HVC nurse, Michelle!

Greetings, bloggers! Cara here with all the latest on the sixth day of classes.

Yesterday during interest groups we had the long awaited soccer game! Each session, the soccer team plays a big match, putting all their hard work over the past few weeks to the ultimate test. We grabbed our special snack of hot dogs with all the fix-ins and hung out on the hill, cheering on our friends and doing the wave!

Afterwards, the celebration of Peter and Meg’s 30th year at Hidden Valley continued at evening meeting. Elise and Rachel created amazing 30 year vests (quite the upgrade from the typical 5 year)! Peter’s said “hey you guys!” with a picture of the green pig, and Meg’s said “always orbiting!” with a picture of a planet. Long time HVC-ers and awesome pro staff Dan, Luke, and Carmi said some special words to honor the Kassens, as did nurse Michelle. The useless facts of the day given by our Gurus weren’t so useless- they were facts about Peter and Meg! The weather report provided by Weather Gal (and Pal!) predicted 30 degrees across the board, Fahrenheit and Celsius!

After dinner, there were three huge 30th anniversary cakes for everyone to enjoy before heading back over to the soccer field for Electives! Electives is a super awesome evening program where campers can choose their evening program out of a number of activities offered by staff. There were the classics, of course, like Peter’s secret tour, making s’mores, glass beads, a dance party, and a huge game of capture the flag. There were also some new electives like tile making with Dan and Phillipe, wood shop projects, and hiking with dogs with Phillie and Aileen! Some extra special electives worked on decorating the Rec Hall and baking a giant cookie cake for one last 30th anniversary surprise. When we gathered to debrief at the end of the night, the Rec Hall had been transformed with streamers, 3’s and 0’s, and happy anniversary signs. We watched an amazing slide show full of photos of the past 30 years at camp which left everyone feeling warm and fuzzy. Afterwards, Meg, Georgia, and Elise led us in singing “The Farthest Field,” as per Electives tradition, as well as “If I Had a Hammer” before sending us off to bed. It was the perfect way to end the evening after an exciting day full of so much celebration and love for our community.

Today is the sixth day of classes! After a delicious egg bar breakfast, we had a fun-filled morning meeting which included a sprit animal/thought de jour swap- Forbidden Planet said the thought of the day and Taj Mahal performed a hilarious spirit animal! Right now, everyone is off glazing projects in the pottery studio, polishing dance moves in the Foothills, strumming ukuleles in the backyard, and swimming at the lake and the pool. Soon, campers will be putting the finishing touches on their art projects and preparing performances for Sharing Night. While the session is drawing to a close, there is still so much in store for our final week together- Mama Iguana and I can hardly contain our excitement!

That’s all for now! Enjoy photos from the soccer game, Electives, and the 30th anniversary celebration!

Climbing away,

Cara B. Ner

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