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Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Avalon boys plotting to shave Alex’s beard!

Hello, friends! Humming Bird here, with some reflection on our wonderful day! I’m sitting here in the office tonight, thinking about this lovely day with perfect weather, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it! So here I go!

The Extreme Llama Care class took a field trip today to Misty Acres Alpaca Farm, where they got to see some real-life alpacas outside of camp! Check out the pictures below!!

This afternoon we had the camper-counselor soccer game! Counselors Shannon and Casey have worked with the Soccer Team class for the last three weeks, and their hard work really payed off! We had some incredible displays of athleticism during interest groups as our campers played with and against each other and the counselors, in their mixed teams! We had some hilarious commentating, a riotous cheerleading section, some tether ball, and OF COURSE we had hot dogs!! Snack Jack landed the International Snack Station temporarily in the soccer field, and everyone enjoyed their afternoon nosh! Meg was there handing out her HOMEMADE PICKLES! Freshly finished brewing, the once-cucumbers were a succulent product of Meg’s Planet! And let me tell you… they were DELICIOUS!! So sweet! So sour! So plump and ripe! Never have I tasted a more delicious pickle, and what’s more– I got to eat it while watching our campers play soccer!! But the best part of the game was that everyone had so much fun, nobody even knows who won!! We had such a good time, AND IT DIDN’T STOP THERE!!

At Evening Meeting we had a few Wheel prizes to cash in on!! Valhalla made Katie a most appetizing cocktail which she had to consume in front of the whole camp!! No one knows exactly what went into it, but a brief interview with Katie after the curséd consumption leads me to believe there was plenty of Tabasco sauce… spicy! We also had one of our New Zealand natives, Keegan, teach Camelot the Haka! The Haka is a traditional New Zealand war cry and dance. It’s extremely intimidating, and very intense. Our fierce ladies of Camelot showed off what Keegan had taught them, and then we got a demonstration from Keegan himself, along with another New Zealand-er, Sean! They were also joined by an American, Alex. Speaking of Alex… Avalon got to shave Alex’s beard!!! Let me give you some back story. Alex’s beard has been the topic of considerable speculation this summer. Not only was it super enormous, but there were also theories going around that it covered such horrors as had never been seen before! Campers, counselors, and AWACs alike trembled in their seats as the brave boys of Avalon touched the clippers to the Unknown, and shaved away at what was covering those horrors to find–––––– (super dramatic pause)–––––– just a normal face! The legendary facial hair now lives in a plastic bag. Check out pictures below!

After the Evening Meeting festivities, we enjoyed a delicious dinner (WINNER WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER!!!) and then sat quietly on the soccer field to hear our options for Electives! There was Challah bread making, pizza oven cooking, lake hiking, spontaneous parading, sand blasting, sing-along dance partying, Tipi Ziplining, and– of course– there was some MAJOR Capturing of the Flag! Everyone won, everyone lost, and– duh!– everyone cheated! It was a great night, so check out the pictures below!

Now we’re all cozied up in bed, resting up for a SUPER FUN DAY TOMORROW!! “What could we possibly be doing, Humming Bird?” I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you! Tomorrow is a Trip/Lazy Day! Our older half cabins are going ROLLER SKATING!! And our younger half cabins will stay behind here at camp for ALICE IN WONDERLAND DAY with a wonderful evening program: a special HVC performance of the Shakespeare classic, A Midsummer Night’s Dream!! I just can’t wait to tell you all about it!

But for now I’m off to sneak into our beautiful recording studio to see if I can practice my humming while the campers are all tucked in!

Do, Re, Mi,

Humming Bird

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