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Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

The whole Matilda cast!

Hey world!

It’s finally fair day! But wait, I’m getting way ahead of myself. Yesterday, after our super relaxing pool time and delicious assortment of pizzas, we gathered for the musical, Matilda. Our campers were absolutely fantastic. They sang the catchy tunes so magnificently, and their acting was phenomenal. The sets and the costumes were absolutely to die for. All of camp was in such great spirits after watching the fabulous heart-warming performance.

This morning, after a superb breakfast of cinnamon buns (a fair day classic), morning meeting, and booth set up, we headed over to the horse barn to watch the Brumby Horse Show. The eight Brumby campers have been working hard over the last 4 weeks, not only preparing for this horse show, but getting up every morning extra early to clean and ready the horses for all the lessons later that day and then untacking and cleaning them once more at the end of the day. It was amazing getting to see these campers show some of the skills they’ve been learning. We saw drills, dressage, jumps, and vaulting. The Brumby kids made everything they did seem absolutely effortless, which is saying a lot when you’re talking about taming an a thousand pound beast.

After all that jazz, the fair began! Boy oh boy is fair day amazing. Each cabin set up a booth, and campers got to venture to all the different activities.The food was just absolutely the yummiest. Forbidden Planet made enticing fried dough, while the AWACs dispensed pretzels to us all. Camelot served delectable ice cream, and Deer Meadows kept us hydrated with a selection of tasty drinks. Paquatahnee had a hit station – the chocolate fountain, where we dipped various fruits into a fondue fountain. My mouth is still watering at the thought of it! On the savory side, we had a hot dog stand from the kitchen staff, Loons ran the pizza oven (we sure have gotten great use out of that this summer!), and Wabanaki served us cheesy, warm mozzarella sticks.

We couldn’t just eat for 3 hours straight (well, some of us would have been quite happy to), so we had some fantastic activities to entertain us in between tasting one zesty treat and another. Taj hosted Kiss-O-Grams, where campers could send Hershey kisses to anyone on camp. Those will be delivered later on. There’s nothing better than getting sweet messages that someone loves you! It’s a great way to let people know that you care about them and how much they impacted you right before the end of camp. Bermuda Triangle was our DJ for the day, keeping us dancing with melodious songs. Valhalla hosted the marriage booth. So many marriages, so much love!  LCH hosted pillow jousting and Chateau Fiasco had sumo wrestling so that we could have some active fun – and work up an appetite for more food! Avalon and Fiddler’s Green kept us cooled off with their dunk booth and slip-n-slide, while Wombles had a truly fun moon bounce. French Quarter painted our faces, Down Under held a jelly bean counting contest, and the Burrow had us changing our names. Halley’s Comet led us around on pony rides, and we even had a horse drawn cart! By the end of the day, we were a married, name-changed, horse-ridden, paint-wearing tuckered out crew!

To wrap up fair day, we had a massive slide show. We got to see all sorts of funny and awesome photos from the past month. We also got to see what HVC looks like in the winter, and I can now tell you that it is spectacularly beautiful covered in snow. Then, we saw the last segment of HVC T.V., where campers investigated office staff, wheel mysteries, and a ukelele class. The slide show was a great way to recap everything that’s happened over the past several weeks!

Tonight, we’ll have a final dance, this one outside by the gazebo. It’s sure to be a jolly time!

Check out the photos of Matilda and Birthday Day and of course, stay posted for more tomorrow!

Lady of the Lake


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