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Friday, July 22nd, 2016


Gooooood evening, folks! Humming Bird here on this eve of arrival day! It was a lovely day at HVC with beautiful blue skies as the staff and intersession campers got excited for the arrival of second session campers! Today the intersession campers took a day trip to a water park, lucky them!

Today the intersession campers took a day trip to a water park, lucky them! Upon their return to camp, they were whisked away to their cabins, where they and their new counselors got to know each other! What were their counselors up to while they were gone? Well, we had plenty of work to do here at camp! We spent our day reading up on our new campers, preparing the cabins for another round of inhabitants, and getting to know each other’s counseling styles so that we can all work as a united team once the session gets up and going! We spent a significant amount of time thinking back to about a month ago, when we had just finished our staff training, and we were anticipating the arrival of first sessioners– we recalled our past methods of bonding our cabins, structuring our “fuzzy time,” and being the best counselors we could be! Oh, and we got our AWACs! Our 9 wonderful ‘WACs have been

Oh, and we got our AWACs! Our 9 wonderful ‘WACs have been training for the last two days, and today they were finally placed in the cabins! We’ve got Eli in LCH, Henry in Avalon, Olivia in The Burrow, Eliana in Down Under, Cordelia in French Quarter, Olive in Paquatahnee, Sam in Valhalla, Lindsay in Shangri-La and Julia in Halley’s Comet!

Now, a month later, we’re back at it again! Our intersession campers helped us make cabin decorations like bunk tags, cubby tags, chore charts and shower schedules! All of these decorations followed the cabins’ themes, which are:
LCH bugs
Avalon adventures
Loon squad
Wacky Wombles
Halley’s Comet imagineers
Shangri-La Shangri-Lights
Chateau Fiasco William Chateauner (like William Shatner!)
Valhalla vending machines
Taj triangles
Wizards of Wabanaki Place
Camelot cupcakes
The Burrow explorers
Upside Down Under
Treasure Island Hawaiians
Fiddler’s Green firefighters
Atlantis elven warriors
Paquatahnee private eyes
French Quarter forest, and…
Forbidden Planet.

The cabins are up and decorated and looking brand new for our campers’ arrival tomorrow! We are all just buzzing to hear camp all a’hum with the sound of children’s laughter and delighted squeals!! I’ll be sure to update you as the campers arrive– tonight we’re expecting a bus full of our Japanese campers, who should get in around midnight! Get some rest, campers– tomorrow’s a big day!!

I’m off to get some rest myself– a bird’s gotta sleep!

Humming along,

Humming Bird

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