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Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

Fire away!

Hey you guys! Olive Oyl here with lots of news for all you lots of people back home.

Yesterday was a busy day with our lifeguards down at the lake working on their drills, the final ropes group going up for a climb on the course (and our ropes staff getting a little more practice), and cabin groups starting phone calls home to speak to campers and families about the summer. Speaking of which, all staff are moved into their first session cabins and super excited to meet their campers in just four short days. We all came together in the afternoon for a first aid meeting before enjoying a delicious dinner of BBQ chicken, corn bread, and cole slaw…yum!

Today we woke up to clouds and schvitz, but by lunchtime the sky had cleared and we’ve been enjoying a warm and sunny afternoon. Perfect for another day of drills down at the lake for our lifeguards and the rest of staff all over camp working in their various areas– archery, printmaking, glassblowing, and interest groups are all up and running. We’ve also been doing “mock lessons” the past few days to give counselors a chance to practice their teaching and other counselors a chance to ride a horse or shoot on the range or make an art project. Awesome!

This morning we met with different PDs to discuss the challenges of our particular age groups– splitting into younger and older boys and younger and older girls to have a discussion and “build our toolbox” with games and strategies to use throughout the summer in our cabins.

We had a delicious lunch of gyros, with a choice of falafel or lamb with all the sauces and fixings. After lunch we got together for the Program Program (formerly known as the details meeting), where various areas of camp got a chance to talk about their programs. Moses served as the host of our talk show, complete with a house band backed by Sara, Jacob, and Rob P., and we heard from Seth our ropes director, Ciera in horses, Alive, Community, and Adventures counselors, plus the Tipis counselors and Phillie with the waterfront. It was lots of info and lots of fun!


Tonight illustrious staff talent show, where our fine staff will get a chance to showcase their amazing talents and skills. They’ll be some music, some funnies, and maybe even some juggling. Can’t wait to tell you all about it tomorrow!

That’s all for now…check out the pictures and talk to you soon!

Lots of love,


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