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Tuesday, July 14th, 2015
Lucky charms and a boston creme donut...what a creation!

Lucky charms and a boston creme donut…what a creation!

Gooooooooood morning, folks!! Humming Bird here! IT’S JUNK FOOD DAY!!!! You know what that means!! Donuts and hot dogs and pop tarts, OH MY!! Campers entered the dining hall this morning and cheered for the sugary substances awaiting them in the lineup!! Let’s go to our correspondent who was on the scene. Humming Bird?

Thanks Humming Bird! This is Humming Bird reporting to you (not so) live from the scene of breakfast this morning! I’m here looking to gauge the general sentiments regarding JFD here on camp. Here are a few quotations I’ve gathered from various campers as they filled their plates this morning:

“Ooh, it smells so good in here!”

“I heard youre only supposed to take ONE donut?”

Humming Bird: What’s your favorite thing about JFD?
Camper 1: Tantalizing fumes in your mouth!
Camper 2: Will not go to sleep!!
Camper 3: Junk food only comes once a session!!
Camper 4: You can eat loops, but without fruit!
Camper 5: It’s the best day of my life!!
Camper 6: It’s incredibly excessive and unhealthy
(and my personal favorite…)
Camper 7: JUNK FOOD!!!!

I’ve sent the data to my analysts and the results have returned, overwhelmingly positive: CAMPERS LOVE JUNK FOOD DAY!!! Lunchtime will feature fluffernutters (that’s a peanut butter and fluff sandwich) and hot dogs!! And for dinner we will all enjoy a feast of ravioli!! Don’t worry, parents!! Your children will be provided vegetables and healthy options at meal times, and we all know they’ll be dying to eat their greens– because what child really likes junk food all that much anyway, right? 🙂

Last night we had VALLEY FEST!! Your talented campers shared their skillz with the camp! Acts ranged from songs sung acapella, to accompaniment, to ribbon dancing, taekwondo, dancing, and we even had a camper blow up balloons with her nose!! What talented young people we are fortunate enough to know here at camp!!

Tonight our campers and counselors will dance off their sugar rushes at our When I Get Old dance!! What on earth could that entail?? Stay tuned!!

I’m off to swipe some leftover donuts!! (Shhh! Don’t tell on me!)

Yum yum yum!

Humming Bird

© 2024 Valley Fest Details on This Very Sweet Day...did someone say Junk Food?? - Hidden Valley Camp. All rights reserved.
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